St. Clare Retreats
St. Clare Retreats, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee, was founded in 2002 to provide silent retreats for women of all denominations and faiths. St. Clare retreat participants follow the Psalmist’s invitation to come away for a time, to experience God’s presence in silent community. Retreats are held monthly at beautiful St. Columba Camp and Retreat Center. Half-day retreats are held monthly, and there is a weekend retreat every fall.
Fridays of each month (summers excluded), women of all faiths are invited to St. Columba Camp and Retreat Center for a half-day silent retreat. After greetings and coffee, a brief meditation and communion are offered; then a peaceful, reflective two-hour period of silence begins. During this time, retreatants walk on beautiful wooded paths, sit by the fire, relax in a chair on the patio, knit, read, write, pray or just quietly commune with God. At the end of the silence, a short service proceeds lunch and conversation.
Please fill out the registration form below for EACH registrant and EACH date. Please call Mary Fortin with questions at 901-359-0894.
Registration closes Wednesday evening prior to the event.
2024 Silent Weekend Retreat
October 17-20, 2024
Home-Coming - A Retreat Based on The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen
"I had just finished an exhausting six-week lecturing trip ... I was dead tired ... I was anxious, lonely, restless, and very needy. During the trip I had felt like a strong fighter for justice and peace, able to face the dark world without fear. But after it was all over ... I experienced a devastating loneliness ... It was in this condition that I first encountered Rembrandt's Prodigal Son ... my heart leapt when I saw it."
-From the Prologue of Henri Nouwen's book The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming.
St. Clare's Silent Retreats are always experiential. A time to be with yourself and with God in the presence of other people. A time to be with your heart more than with your intellect. A time to listen for the wisdom within rather than to the overabundance of information from a myriad of external sources. This year, in between our silent spaces, Ardelle Walters will lead us in our own encounters of Nouwen's book and Rembrandt's painting as they portray the ancient story of the prodigal. We hope you can join us!
Ardelle Walters is a Licensed Professional Counselor practicing via telehealth for Arkansas residents. She has extensive experience working with adults on a wide range of issues including anxiety, depression, grief, self-esteem, and relationships. She has served as faculty for CREDO, Planning for Wellness, and Success After Seminary for Episcopal clergy nationwide. A clergy spouse herself, Ardelle is also the founder of The Partner's Path, a national organization to connect and support spouses of Episcopal clergy. She happily sees clients of all faith traditions, including the non-traditions and nonreligious, and also enjoys facilitating sessions at retreats and conferences.
Please contact Heather Jordan at heartbrainbody@gmail.com with questions.